We have 46 members who are in the 3 month ‘grace’ period, and 34 members who have expired since 1 October ! These members will not be receiving the next Newsletter (due in Feb) or Update about the State Council Meeting, also in February.
Renewals can be made online on the ‘My Membership’ page – which is under the ‘Members’ main menu. This Members Only area requires a password, although if you have previously logged into the system (on the same computer or device) you should get automatic entry.
Once on the ‘My Membership’ page, you will see the word ‘Renew’ in very small letters under your membership type. Press the words and follow the instructions!
If you have any trouble renewing, or logging in, please email memberships@wildflowersocietywa.org.au for assistance from a volunteer member.
Of course, you can always renew in the usual way – with a cheque by post, or by telephoning the office during normal business hours and providing details over the phone. The paper renewal form can be downloaded here.
Thank you for your support!