Debbie Bettenay: Memories of Boulder Rock and other rocks
10 April @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Lichens, Borya and a trailing Drosera in a moss bed. (Photo supplied: D. Bettenay)
As a child, Debbie Bettenay often visited Boulder Rock in Midgegooroo National Park (formerly Canning National Park) with her family. Her early interest in Nature was fostered here. As a parent some 30 years later, she introduced her children to the pleasures of the Rock scramble, to chasing the Ornate Rock Dragons and to the intricate pleasures of the moss beds; now she is showing her grandchildren.
But, sadly, so much has changed. Debbie is much wiser having closely observed the seasonal changes on the exposed rock sheet above her house and having participated in a 14-month survey of an isolated Rocky area nearby.
Please enjoy with her, a photographic and nostalgic journey of discovery of ‘Life on the Rocks’.
Boulder Rock sentinels. (Photo supplied: D. Bettenay)
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