Murdoch Branch

The Murdoch Branch is a lively and dynamic group which holds monthly meetings with a range of interesting guest speakers. Meetings are open to anyone interested in WA flora. Our Committee enjoys making it a great experience for all – read about the team here.

In 2023 we have introduced live-streaming our guest speaker monthly talks, which you can watch anytime. All recordings can be found here.

2023/24 Branch Committee L-R Christine Athanassiou, Diana Corbyn (Vice President), Lesleigh Curnow (Book sales), Felicity Bairstow, Christine Polmear (President), Kim Dravnieks (Secretary), Danielle Mathews, Mat Woods, Angela Hine and Michael Davies (inset – Treasurer)

The Branch hosts a number of spring walks at Wireless Hill, Kwinana and Samson Park, as well as other excursions. The group is also involved in revegetation activities through various ‘Friends of’ groups and along the Wildlife Corridor in Cockburn.

The Branch also offers a number of prizes to students. Each year Murdoch Branch gives an award to a top student studying Environmental and Conservation Sciences in BIO245 Plant Evolution, Radiation and Adaptation at Murdoch University, and a top student in the Conservation and Environmental management studies at South Metropolitan TAFE.

We also have a list of plants suitable for the Melville Cockburn area, that can be found here.

Come and say Hi at our monthly gatherings held on the 1st Thursday of each month (except January) at The Wetlands Centre Cockburn, Hope Road, Bibra Lake. Doors open at 7:30pm with guest speakers normally starting around 8pm.

Read our monthly Marri Leaf newsletters here or subscribe to get a copy delivered to your inbox here

2023 AGM Minutes 7 Dec 2023 draft




There are no upcoming events.

Branch Meetings – 7:30pm 1st Thursday of the month. Book sales, door prizes, supper and good company all for only $3 entry – EFTPOS now available. Non-members welcome.