e-book series – another book in the series is available

The e-book series has been created in response to what has been observed over the years. Many people want to grow native plants but often don’t know where to start as the array of plants in a nursery seems too overwhelming especially when they are known by their Latin botanical names.  Other people are put off growing native plants when the plants they select by looks alone are simply not growing well and never thrive – this is where these books can be so useful.

This series of e-books will make it easier to select plants within different plant groups either by genus such as ‘Grevillea’ or ‘Beaufortia’ or for situations such as ‘Coastal Plants’. This will make it easier to select plants that will be suitable for your garden.  Outlined is the plant’s size and growing conditions so that you will know if the plant you want to grow has a reasonable chance of succeeding in your soil.

The e-books are saved under the GROW tab at the bottom of the right-side panel.

e-book series – another book in the series is available

The e-book series has been created in response to what has been observed over the years. Many people want to grow native plants but often don’t know where to start as the array of plants in a nursery seems too overwhelming especially when they are known by their Latin botanical names.  Other people are put off growing native plants when the plants they select by looks alone are simply not growing well and never thrive – this is where these books can be so useful.

This series of e-books will make it easier to select plants within different plant groups either by genus such as ‘Grevillea’ or ‘Beaufortia’ or for situations such as ‘Coastal Plants’. This will make it easier to select plants that will be suitable for your garden.  Outlined is the plant’s size and growing conditions so that you will know if the plant you want to grow has a reasonable chance of succeeding in your soil.

The e-books are saved under the GROW tab at the bottom of the right-side panel.

November 2024 Newsletter Now Online

The latest newsletter of the Wildflower Society of WA is now available for download for Society Members.  You may download it here.

As the Newsletter is for Members Only, you may need to log in to the Members Only section of the website.  If you have any problems doing this, please email memberships@wildflowersocietywa.org.au for assistance from one of our member volunteers.

Those who receive the hard copy of the newsletter will receive it in the next two weeks.

Those who also subscribe to Australian Plants should also receive the latest issue.

e-book series – second group of two books available

The e-book series has been created in response to what has been observed over the years. Many people want to grow native plants but often don’t know where to start as the array of plants in a nursery seems too overwhelming especially when they are known by their Latin botanical names.  Other people are put off growing native plants when the plants they select by looks alone are simply not growing well and never thrive – this is where these books can be so useful.

This series of e-books will make it easier to select plants within different plant groups either by genus such as ‘Grevillea’ or ‘Beaufortia’ or for situations such as ‘Coastal Plants’. This will make it easier to select plants that will be suitable for your garden.  Outlined is the plant’s size and growing conditions so that you will know if the plant you want to grow has a reasonable chance of succeeding in your soil.

The e-books are saved under the GROW tab at the bottom of the right-side panel.

e-book series – first two books available

The e-book series has been created in response to what has been observed over the years. Many people want to grow native plants but often don’t know where to start as the array of plants in a nursery seems too overwhelming especially when they are known by their Latin botanical names.  Other people are put off growing native plants when the plants they select by looks alone are simply not growing well and never thrive – this is where these books can be so useful.

This series of e-books will make it easier to select plants within different plant groups either by genus such as ‘Grevillea’ or ‘Beaufortia’ or for situations such as ‘Coastal Plants’. This will make it easier to select plants that will be suitable for your garden.  Outlined is the plant’s size and growing conditions so that you will know if the plant you want to grow has a reasonable chance of succeeding in your soil.

The e-books are under the GROW tab at the bottom of the right side panel.

Defend WA’s Nature – 9 Days of Action

The Wildflower Society of WA Inc. is joining forces with the Conservation Council of WA and other environmental groups to Defend WA’s Nature with a series of events starting on the 25th July that leads to action at Parliament House in August.

WA’s nature is in crisis. After enduring the hottest, driest summer on record, our ecosystems are collapsing and wildlife populations are plummeting.

The South West of WA, a global biodiversity hotspot, faces the highest threat and loss of biodiversity in the nation due to rampant deforestation. Alarmingly, 300 species are at extreme or high risk of extinction in our state.

At the same time, fossil fuel expansion and habitat destruction from industrialisation threatens precious ecosystems both offshore and onshore, pushing our wildlife to the brink.

MPs return to Parliament on August 6 and are poised to introduce nature reform laws to Parliament.

We would like to see you there to show support for the protection of our environment!

Check out the events listed on our website or on Facebook via the links below and find out how you can get involved.

Defend WA’s Nature – Parliament Action

Defend WA’s Nature – Forests Action

Defend WA’s Nature – Wetlands Action

Defend WA’s Nature – Reefs Action

Webinar Notification List

Sign up to be on our email list for our webinar series where you can be the first to be notified about our next webinar!

Webinar Notify List

Webinar Notify List

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WSWA 2024 AGM and State Conference

Wildflower Society of WA (Inc) – WSWA – 2024 State Conference and Annual General Meeting – 29 and 30 June 2024

The Society’s 2024 State Conference, which includes a State Council meeting and the Annual General meeting, will be hosted by York Branch, and be held on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024.  The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 29 June after lunch.  Registration form and programme details to come.