Role of the Conservation Subcommittee
- encourage the conservation and preservation of Western Australian native plants on public lands including roadsides and Crown lands, and on private lands;
- support efforts to strengthen laws and regulations for the conservation of Western Australian flora and encourage enforcement of laws and regulations;
- consider all relevant matters regarding the conservation of Western Australia’s native flora and, at its discretion, take relevant action in accordance with the Society’s Objective (a);
- consider and deal with matters brought to its attention by the Management Committee;
- make submissions on behalf of the Society to government and other relevant organisations; and
- prepare media statements and other communications on topical issues.
This work includes dealing with the many conservation issues that come up in urban planning, roadside development and work, mining and pastoral activity – to name a few.
Until recent times the Society also had a very active Roadside Vegetation Sub-Committee and this work has now been rolled into the work of the Conservation sub-committee. Since its early beginnings in the late 1950s the Society has had a keen interest in preserving the native vegetation along Western Australia’s roadsides and in earlier times had some success with its hard work. In recent times, as many of us have noticed, our roadsides are receiving significant clearing such that the dismay felt by members, WA communities and interstate/overseas visitors has been made clear to the Society. One recent initiative of roadside work and continued involvement of the Society is the Wildflower Friendliness Rating Scheme.
Media Releases
- Submissions made by the Society have included:
- the Department of Environmental and Water Regulation’s Compliance and Enforcement policy
- The Roe Highway Extension
- Strategic assessment for Perth and Peel regions
And more recently:
- Submission on CPS 105GG – Lot 10G8 Fernhill Road, Dingup
- Re: CPS 10629/1 – 379 Ladycroft Road, Manjimup.
- CPS 10607/1 Vasse-Yallingup Siding Road, Busselton
- Re: EPBC Number: 2024/09841 – Anketell Road Upgrade (Leith Road to Kwinana Freeway)
- Re: CPS 10525/1 – Shire of Toodyay – Toodyay-Bindi Road
- Re: CPS 185/10: a statewide purpose permit to the Water Corporation
- Re: EPA Assessment Nos. 2176 and 2177 – City of Gosnells TPS 6 Amendments 166 and 169
- Re: CPS 10249/1 Eneabba-Coolimba Road, Shire of Carnamah
- CPS 9182/1 Albany Heritage Park Link Trails: City of Albany.
- Assessment Number: 2357 Garden Street Extension, Southern River, City of Gosnells.
- Re: CPS 10265/1 Purpose Permit to clear 4.02ha in the Shire of Yilgarn
- Re: CPS 9352/1 Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited – Shire of Moora
- Re: CPS 10049/1 Purpose Permit. Shire of Yilgarn clearing 24.9ha
- Re: CPS 10197/1 Shire of Yilgarn Road Construction
- Assessment No. 2316.Hamersley. Hope Downs 2 proposal
- Re: Subdivision of Lot 123 Mortimer Road, Casuarina
- Re: CPS 10068/1 Construction of Perth Surf Park
- Re: Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendments 1404/41: Roe 8 Remainder and Roe 9
- Submission Re: CPS 9349/1 Shire of Plantagenet – Crown Reserve 15162
- Submission Re: CPS 10197/1 Shire of Yilgarn Road Construction
- Submission on Area Permit (under s.51E of the EP Act) CPS 10343/1. Shire of Collie
- Submission: In relation to the proposed Climate Change legislation
- Submission on C PS 1918/11: on amending clearing permit 1918/10
- Submission on CPS 10307/1: Clearing 34.35 ha, Shire of Manjimup
- Submission Re CPS 10277/1 Midland Brick Muchea, Shire of Chittering
- Submission Re: Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area Precinct 2 & 3B, Gosnells
- Submission on CPS 10262/1 Miling Rd East and Richardson St, Miling, Shire of Moora
- Submission on CPS 10217/1: Clearing Permit in Talandji, Shire of Ashburton
- Submission on CPS10228/1 – Viridis Ag Pty Ltd for clearing in Beaumont, Shire of Esperance
- Submission RE: ‘Honeymyrtle shrubland on limestone ridges of the Swan Coastal Plain Bioregion’
- Submission on CPS10249/1, Shire of Carnamah, Coolimba-Eneabba Road
- Review recommendation Re: Draft SPP 3.7 and Planning of Bushfire Guidelines
- Draft SPP_3.7 bushfire WSWA comments 7610
- Review recommendation on ERD Assessment Number 2291 Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project
- Submission on EPA Assessment 2340 Lot 4131 on Smiths Beach Project, Yallingup
- Submission on CPS 10159/1, City of Busselton North Jindong Road Clearing
- Submission on CPS9674/1, Goldfields Road Reserve, Kellerberrin
- Submission on CPS 8632/2, PMI Mt Marion Mine
- Appeal on CPS 9845/1, Flat Rocks One Wind Farm
- Submission of Draft Principles to guide recognition of OECMS
- Submission Re:Tree Pruning Clayton Road Narrogin
- Submission on CPS 10068/1 Surf Park, Princep Road Jandakot
- Submission on CPS 10072-1, Horizon Power, Exmouth
- Submission on CPS 9882-1 Southern Link Road Stage 3, City of Canning
- Submission on Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan, Airport North
- Submission on the Perth Airport Central Draft Major Development Plan
- Review recommendation to the EPA on the Perth Surf Park
- Review recommendation to the EPA on the Mulga Downs hub
- Submission on CPS 9936/1, Wannamal Road West, Shire of Gingin
- Submission on CPS 9182/1, City of Albany Trails
- Submission on EPA Assessment 2197, Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup
- Submission on Questdale Quarry, Mandogalup, project
- Submission on the widening of the South Western Highway, Manjimup
- Response to Murchison Hydrogen project
- Submission on Smiths Beach development project
- Submission on Development Assessment Panel system reforms
- Appeal on permit CPS 186/7 Water Corp
- Submission on CPS 9624/1 North Road widening
- Submission on CPS 9621/1 Sugarloaf Rd widening
- Submission on CPS 9611/1 Water Corp-Ghooli Asbestos
- Submission on CPS 9581/1 Junja Solar Farm
- Review recommendation to the EPA on Smiths Beach project
- Submission on the Tonkin Hwy-Kelvin Rd MRWA project
- Submission on CPS 9553/1 Australian Islamic College
- Submission on the Draft Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan
- Review recommendation to the EPA on Tutunup Mineral Sands project
- Appeal on CPS 9427/1 PTA level crossings
- Appeal on CPS 9300/1 Warburton Great Central Rd realignment
- Submission on CPS 9524/1 Shire of Esperance
- Submission on CPS 9516/1 Millbrook Rd
- Submission on the draft Bold Park Management Plan
- Appeal on CPS 9281/1 Ralston Road, Shire of Tammin
- Submission on Proposed listing of ‘Fire regimes that cause biodiversity decline’ as a Key Threatening Process under the EPBC Act
- Submission on CPS 9479/1 European Space Agency
- Review recommendation to the EPA on Ashburton Infrastructure Project
- Appeal on CPS 9303/1 Dandaragan
- Submission on CPS 9475/1 MRWA, Marble Bar
- Letter to the Minister for Minister for Environment, Climate Action and Commerce on clearing in the Shire of Dowerin
- Appeal on Bunbury Outer Ring Road Southern Section
- Submission on CPS 9448/1 MRWA Great Eastern Hwy Bypass
- Submission on CPS 9441/1 Rest Point Holiday Park
- Letter to Minister for Environment, Climate Action and Commerce requesting information on extent of vegetation cleared from 2015-2020
- WSWA response to Native Veg Policy for WA
- Submission on Northam-Pithara Rd widening project
- Submission on Bindoon-Moora Rd upgrade project
- Submission on CPS 9352/1 CBH, Moora
- Recommendation to EPA on Ocean Hills Seismic project
- Submission on CPS 9349/1 Mount Barker
- Submission to the Shire of Chittering on the proposed scheme amendment 69
- Appeal against CPS 8807/1 Wanneroo
- Appeal against CPS 9210/1 Augusta-Margaret River
- Recommendation to EPA on Yardie Creek Road realignment
- Submission on CPS 9303/1 Dandaragan
- Submission on CPS 9300/1 Ngaanyatjarraku
- Submission to MRWA on Albany Hwy Gordon South Project
- Submission on Audalia Medcalf Vanadium Project
- Submission on Byford Rail Extension Project
- Submission on MRWA 1775 Great Eastern Hwy Upgrade
- Submission on CPS 9267/1 Wanneroo
- Submission on CPS 9167/1 Dardanup
- Submission on CPS 9225/1 MRWA
- Appeal against CPS 9090/1 John Reeve
- Appeal against CPS 8832/1 Goomalling
- Appeal against CPS 6753/2 MRWA
- Appeal against CPS 818/15 MRWA
- Appeal against CPS 9124/1 Esperance
- Appeal against CPS 8994/1 Murray
- Appeal against CPS 8933/1 Capel
- Appeal against CPS 3454/4 ATCO Gas
- Appeal against CPS 9123/1 Hamersley Iron
- Submission on CPS 9252/1 Patane Farms
- Submission on CPS 9260/1 Ruland & Hassell, Gnowangerup
- Submission on CPS 9182/1 Albany
- Submission on CPS 9260/1 Monjebup Road, Boxwood Hill
- Submission on CPS 9221/1 Marbellup
- Appeal against CPS 8357/1 Shire of Victoria Plains
- Submission on CPS 9231/1 Burnside, Nornalup
- Submission on the City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Strategy
- Submission on CPS 9215/1 Red Morrel Pty Ltd
- EPA review recommendation for MRWA Tonkin Hwy/Hale Rd project
- EPA review recommendation for West Angeles project
- Appeal against CPS 1918/7 Western Power
- Appeal against CPS 9197/1 WA Limestone, Nowergup
- Appeal against CPS 4442/6 Pilbara Iron Company
- Appeal against CPS 8992/1 Frances Sammut
- Appeal against CPS 9134/1 Nigel Lea Rowe
- EPA review recommendation for Roy Hill Iron Ore Mine Revised Proposal
- EPA review recommendation for Northern Goldfields Interconnect Pipeline
- Submission to the EPA on Sanjiv Ridge Project – Stage 2
- Appeal against CPS 8987/1 Telstra Corp Ltd
- Information for and Comment on the Draft Kalgulup Management Plan
- Asian Renewable Energy Hub
- Feedback regarding the Discussion Paper Modernising the Environmental Protection Act.
- The federal government’s review of the EPBC Act
- Cervantes-01 Conventional Well Drilling Proposal
- Atlas sand mining
- Manuwarra Red Dog Highway – Stage 4
- CPS 8953/1 BHP-Billiton
- Romanesque Seismic Survey
- Southern Link Road
You can Have your Say by checking the links shown here.