Management Committee Update – February

The most recent monthly update from the Management Committee is now also available on our website, access exclusively for Members only. Log in to the Members area and then the tab ‘Management Committee Updates.’ If you have any difficulties logging in to the system, please email our volunteer administrator at – we can reset your password, give you a simpler password, or guide you through the log-in procedure.

Newsletter now available – members only

The Wildflower Society of WA newsletter (August 2016, Vol 54 No 4) has now been published electronically.  Members who have elected to receive electronic copies of the newsletter have been notified.  The printed newsletter should be posted to those who have requested a hard copy (no green discount) mid to late November, as the printing of Australian Plants has been unexpectedly delayed and all the posted items are sent at the same time.

This issue features photographs of Wongan Hills plants and habitats, with the cover photograph a stunning display of white Rhodanthe manglesii amongst melaleucas and samphires at Lake Hind.  Photo by Bronwen Keighery.

You may view the newsletter online by going to the ‘Members’ tab at the top of the page, then ‘Newsletters’ at the side of the page.


Management Committee update available

The most recent monthly update from the Management Committee is now also available on our website, access exclusively for Members only.  Log in to the Members area and then the tab ‘Management Committee Updates.’  If you have any difficulties logging in to the system, please email our volunteer administrator at – we can reset your password, give you a simpler password, or guide you through the log-in procedure.

Membership Renewals

Membership renewals are due for most people in October, and our new website membership system will automatically send you a reminder when your membership is due (some members have their renewal on the date they joined, at other times throughout the year).  The volunteers at Perry House are very busy processing renewals.  You can make it a bit easier by renewing on-line, using the ‘Members’ tab and clicking on ‘My Membership.’  If you can’t log in, email for help logging in to our new system – which still has some teething problems!  Of course, you are still welcome to renew your membership by post in the usual manner.  Its your choice!  (By the way, our wayward new system has automatically sent out some ‘cancelled’ emails for people who have not yet renewed…  please disregard!  Members of the Wildflower Society are given 3 months grace for renewal.  If you are late, you will not be ‘cancelled’ for a long time yet!  Our apologies for this intractable membership system.)

Newsletter now available!

The Wildflower Society of WA newsletter (August 2016, Vol 54 No 3) has now been published electronically.  Members who have elected to receive electronic copies of the newsletter will have received the necessary details by email today.  The printed newsletter should be in your hands soon.

The stunning cover photograph is Paracaleana nigrita, a duck orchid. Duck orchids have an unusual, insectlike  labellum which flicks over when touched. The labellum is attached to the column by a flexible “claw” which bends under the weight of a pollinating wasp.  Photo by Mark Brundrett.