Save trees on the York Merredin Road

Save trees on the York Merredin Road

The Wildflower Society and the Urban Bushland Council made submissions on a clearing permit from Main Roads in November 2015 for the upgrade and clearing of the whole of the York-Merredin Road; 38.85ha of habitat including 592 trees were to be lost for road widening. A Clearing Permit was granted with an offset, despite the proposal being at variance to five of the clearing principles and potentially at variance to three others. The Wildflower Society and the UBC responded by appealing against the granting of the permit and then they personally met the Appeals Convenor, but the end result was that the proposal was approved. A local York resident only knew about the Main Roads proposal when trees were being cut down last week. He contacted the UBC for help. Margaret Owen from the UBC, Eddy Wajon and a local resident have been in contact with Main Roads in the last few days to have them consider alternative strategies that would save many of the 70 trees in an avenue of magnificent trees just out of York. That story and images of the avenue of trees will be on the ABC news tonight.

If you think you can help by contacting Main Roads or the Shire of York, or the Environment Minister, to push for these alternative strategies to be used to save these trees, please do so.  More information at’ancient’-wheatbelt-trees-felled-york-merredin-road-upgrade/8173624   Photos courtesy ABC News and E Wajon.